"There is no frigate like a book," penned Emily Dickinson long before the first silent film, The Great Train Robbery, was produced. With the advent of the first film, two classes of people were born: People who prefer to read and people who prefer to skip the book and see the movie. There of those of us who do both of course, but there is always an inclination towards one or the other. I come from a long line of readers. My mother taught English to high school students. My aunt majored in English. I majored in English. My brother teaches English. My sister majored in English and as can be expected, my own children prefer to skip the book and see the movie. When I was a child, my mother read to me often until I learned to read and then I was never without a book. My brother, though he teaches English, loves film. In this time of economic uncertainty, I decided to open web businesses that cater to those who love the art of the pen and those that love the art of film. My DVD and Book stores offer all the latest and greatest and all the oldie moldies. I welcome every and all book or movie recommendations, guest critiques and musings.
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